Month: July 2015

Ode to an Aviator – Review of Hotel De La Poste – St. Louis, Senegal

Ode to an Aviator – Review of Hotel De La Poste – St. Louis, Senegal

When once you have tasted flight,you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,for there you have been,and there you will always long to return Leonardo da Vinci Sometimes in life dream does come true and it did for me when I was at St. Louis, Senegal. I read about this hotel on…

Rather Mela

Rather Mela

My earliest memory of Rather Mela was a Parrot that my father got me, though it did not survive long but I still remember its face vividly. That was probably the first and last bird that we ever purchased, we usually stuck to the colourful aquarium fishes. One year my father got me a study…

Decoding Dakar

Decoding Dakar

It was in the month of February 2015 that I was given a hint that I might be given an opportunity to travel to Dakar, Senegal. It seems that my luck always favours me when it comes to travelling the African Continent. Previously I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Kenya which is Eastern Africa…