1. Hi Subhadip
    Visited Ghalib’s mazaar yesterday
    It was a nostalgic moment to be there.
    Nice write up with beautiful pics.
    Stay blessed

  2. I visited this site in January this year. And honestly, I was surprised to see such a small, almost forgotten monument for such an influential poets who will be remembered for centuries.
    Loharu is near my hometown and it was only two months ago I got to know that Ghalib’s wife was from Loharu.

  3. Dear Subahdip,
    I walked along your enticing description and saw Mazar e Ghalib all the way you showed around. Amazing indeed! Couple of days ago in connection to Ghalib’s birthday anniversary, during roving for him and his poetry I met with you. God bless you!

  4. Hello Sir (Subhadip Mukherjee), finding no words how to address you –
    Want thank you so much, but don’t know how.
    History is made up of wonderful people and our societies are made by their impacts. To recognize and to pay respects and to have a sense of gratitude towards these great souls, is our least responsibility/duty. You are blessed to have that flavor in your nature. What else to express my love towards gems like you. God bless you. Feel great always.

  5. Hi Subhadip, you have penned a very detailed write-up and juiced it up with series of photos that makes a reader not just better acquainted about the person, location and it’s journey, but also make it a tasty savoury!
    Keep up the good work!
    My Best Wishes! 🤘🙂

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